Only Two Emotions ...........
The two emotions that rule our life…
As spiritual beings one emotion we need to live by is love. All good things come from love. Just as all good comes from love, everything that is bad comes from its opposite. And the opposite of love is not hate but rather fear.
Love gives us trust, honesty, respect, companionship and ultimately peace. While fear gives us resentments, anger, hate and many other negative thoughts. And while we come to believe that there are only two emotions love and its opposite fear, we also learn that the ultimate goal of love is peace.
So if love leads to peace, than its opposite - fear also has a goal. And it’s the direct opposite of peace. Some would say that the opposite of peace is conflict. But I believe it's deeper than that. The opposite of peace is insecurity.
The goal of love is peace, while the goal of fear is insecurity. Think about that. When everything is going well in our world, we are at peace. We are at love with our surroundings and the people in our life. It is a very strong, powerful, and spiritual place to be.
With our fear, we easily fall into the realm of "stinkin' thinkin". We become angry, resentful, bitter, lonely, and all those other negative character defects. We lose our patience with our surroundings and the people around us. And with this fear every one of our character defects raise its ugly heads.
So the next time your angry look at your insecurities. And ask yourself what you are scared of? Remember that anger is just fear turned inside out. Usually the answer will come down to control. Our insecurities and fear all go back to control. We can't control our surroundings. We can't control who we work with or what we do.
It all comes down to two emotions love and fear. If we live our life in love, we are at one with our surroundings and our Higher Power. In other words, we are spiritually centered. If we live our life in fear, it falls into place that we are insecure. And to live a life of insecurity we live a life of spiritual bankruptcy.
That’s it – love and fear.