( Tue, June 17, 2008 - 8:13 AM)
(God taught me lessons in communication—be silent.
And I also discovered silence comes in many forms……….)
* Cherishing silence…….
This is the silence of patience; the kind that gives God time to work on our weaknesses.
Fear is poor motivation for communication.
Nagging kills communication. Praying instead of nagging allowed us to communicate at a deeper level.
God worked on me, cleansing my heart of the fear and selfishness that kept me from communicating
"When you pray for someone, the love of God will grow in your heart for him. Not only that, you'll find love growing in his heart for you, without him even knowing you're praying. That's because prayer is the ultimate love language. It communicates in ways we can't."
Love sometimes is best displayed by cherishing silence. And that's a better motivator than fear!
* Confident silence…….
Sometimes, though, we need confident silence—the kind that appreciates unchangeable differences.
It says to your partner, "I recognize your strengths and trust your judgment."
It's easy to do this when you both agree. It's more difficult when your personalities, backgrounds, or experiences clash. Then we need a quiet spirit.
A quiet spirit is a teachable spirit.
* Comforting silence……
There will be times, when there's nothing you can do or say. There are some situations that cannot be fixed, avoided, or changed.
Illness, death of a loved one, job loss—all these situations call for a comforting silence.
This silence puts arms around your loved and offers love without selfish demands.
It performs acts of service unnoticed. It's empathy; a quiet that waits until the time is right to offer words. Knowing that comforting silence… is the silence of hope, which believes, “ We'll talk again in a while.”
* Companionable silence……
We didn't need words to communicate our contentment.
Communication was there in the loving looks we shared, the smiles we exchanged, even in the warmth of our bodies side by side.
Sitting quietly together, working separate projects side by side, communicating with eyes and heart in the presence of others—
a companionable silence is the glue of the secure couple. Words, although welcome, are unnecessary.
We could share this silence because we'd already shared our thoughts and feelings. It's the rest between resolved conflicts, conquered problems, hectic seasons.
Companionable silence needs to be built into marriage—it doesn't just happen. It's the reward—the rest—granted after the hard work of love is done. It's God's blessing that says, "This is good."
( Cherishing, confident, comforting, companionable—notice there's no critical silence. Silence is misused when wielded as
a weapon or in manipulation.
Silence "helps you focus more on what God wants you to hear and understand about him and about yourself, your relationship with him, and your relationship with your loved ones."
Use silence to enhance your relationship—not destroy it.
Through silence came understanding, compassion, and a deeper love .)
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