Loneliness is an unpleasant feeling in which a person feels a strong sense of emptiness and solitude resulting from inadequate levels of social relationships.
People can experience loneliness for many reasons and many life events are associated with it, like the lack of friendship relations during childhood and adolescence,
or the physical absence of meaningful people around a person are a few
causes for loneliness. At the same time, loneliness may be a symptom of
another social or psychological problem, such as chronic depression.
Many people experience loneliness for the first time when they are left alone as infants. It is also a very common, though normally temporary, consequence of a breakup, divorce, or loss of any important long-term relationship. In these cases, it may stem both from the loss of a specific person and from the withdrawal from social circles caused by the event or the associated sadness.
The loss of a significant person in one's life will typically initiate a grief response; in this situation, one might feel lonely, even while in the company of others. Loneliness may also occur after the birth of a child (often expressed in postpartum depression), after marriage, or following any other socially disruptive event, such as moving from one's home town into an unfamiliar community leading to homesickness. Loneliness can occur within unstable marriages or other close relationships in a similar nature, in which feelings present may include anger or resentment, or in which the feeling of love cannot be given or received. Loneliness may represent a dysfunction of communication.
THE structure of modern life brings us into contact with many people. We
are occupied with many activities, professionally, socially,
politically. And yet, perhaps never before have we experienced such
loneliness, alienation, and separation. Mobility, proximity, and
opportunity are no assurance of access to, or real connection with,
other human beings. Surrounded by people and activities, we often find
ourselves desperately alone. We are often unable to reach out to another
because of our fear of rejection, or our fear of the responsibility of
relationship. Intimacy terrifies us just as much as does being alone.
There are two kinds of
loneliness: the loneliness of the human condition ("existential
loneliness") and the loneliness that we experience as a result of our
fear of loneliness ("loneliness anxiety")
The loneliness and tension which are a part of the human condition can
be creative; the loneliness which is a result of fear usually cripples
our human potential. We might say that existential loneliness is a
genuine part of the human condition over which we have no control; but
loneliness anxiety is something we have chosen, albeit unconsciously,
and over which we can exercise some control simply by being aware of our
fear. Loneliness anxiety only encourages us to develop a life-style
that supports our fear (and fosters neurosis) and that further alienates
us from ourselves and from others.
In order to overcome or escape our loneliness, we often throw ourselves
compulsively and anxiously into an endless round of activity. Or our
fear drives us to withdraw from human exchange. Either way, we are
reacting to life out of fear and anxiety, which leaves us less open and
responsive to what life offers. Our fear shapes our attitude and
expectation and only serves to attract that which we wish to avoid.
If we can recognize and accept the real loneliness of the human condition -- that, ultimately, we are each alone -- we can then begin to free ourselves from the fear of loneliness that chews away at our human potential. "Each of us travels alone. No one else can always keep us safe." If we can accept the pain of being human, of being self-aware, then perhaps we, might claim a blessing from our struggle.
In accepting loneliness as a part of the human condition and abandoning
the frenetic search for someone or something to make us unalone, we can
then be open to the message within our existential pain. Patient and
prayerful waiting and listening are necessary, also courage and honesty
with ourselves. But it is the only way to freedom from domination by
fear. The alternative is to choose to remain unaware of what life asks
of us (and irresponsible), but then we shall remain unfree and our life
determined by our anxiety. "There is no solution to loneliness but to
accept it, face it, live with it, and let it be. All it requires is the
right to emerge in genuine form."
"The cure for loneliness lies in facing it and understanding it."
This acceptance and understanding is necessary if we are to live
creative lives, if we are to be free and open to the opportunities for
further growth and development. Before we can take this step toward
understanding, we have to let go the fallacious idea that pain has
nothing to teach us, that life should be always comfortable and
pleasurable. If we are serious about our human task, we become aware of
the invitation in the pain that enters our life, an invitation that
invites us to be more than we are. "Where there is no pain there is no
growth." The pain of loneliness is such an invitation and opportunity.
Some of the greatest literature, art, and music that the world has known
has been conceived in moments of profound loneliness, loneliness that
has been accepted and allowed to speak. Such creation cannot happen
through denial. And such creation is usually a lonely and solitary
experience. It is like birthing -- we have to go with the labor pains;
no one else can do it for us. The creation that might result from our
bearing the tension of our pain may bring delight to many, but the
process of bringing it forth is a lonely one. Out of loneliness grows
the contented aloneness that opens up to us our own creative depths. It
is not in driven busyness that we find that "more" that we long for. It
is in the recollection of aloneness that we discover deep within
ourselves that which supports us when we have nothing or no one to take
away our loneliness. It is here that we come in touch with the life that
connects us with ourselves, with others, and with God.
The fear of loneliness can keep us from coming in touch with the life
beyond loneliness, the life of aloneness and solitude. It is indeed easy
to be seduced by the temper of our time, which is to stay constantly
busy and on the move. By staying busy, by taking on more and more jobs,
we can avoid the confrontation of loneliness; we look to our jobs and
roles to tell us who we are and to provide us with self-validation. But
the affirmation and approval of the world cannot provide us with
self-validation. This comes from beyond ourselves, and yet it is located
in our own depths. Our true identity is known only by the One who
created us. Self-validation can come only from getting in touch with
that truth which we are.
It is in solitude that we begin to see more clearly that image of
ourselves that is fashioned more according to the demands of our ego; it
is in solitude that we begin to glimpse a new image with possibilities
beyond anything we have known. This journey from the old to the new
carries us through a desert place. But this desert is the anteroom to
joy. In this lonely place we are confronted by our own darkness, but we
also meet there the One who knows our true name. Our triumph over
loneliness will not come by refusing to be alone, avoiding solitude.
"Loneliness can be conquered only by those who can bear solitude." And those who can bear solitude will discover joy. Solitude is the
handmaid of the interior life. Without quiet and aloneness, it is not
possible to develop an interior life. And without an interior life, and
an awareness of Something beyond self which calls us into being, there
is nothing to speak to us but our own emptiness and loneliness.
It is not surprising that we have a fear of loneliness; the self that most of us are with when we are alone is indeed not very good company -- a self impoverished and without holy joy. The great void that confronts us when we are cut off from those things which help to shore up a flagging sense of self speaks to us of missing parts of our self, areas which we have not yet discovered and appropriated. Our loneliness speaks to us of unlived life, potential within us that we are not living out.
Can we have the courage and willingness to become who we are meant to
become without a -- sense of gratitude which recognizes self as gift? But perhaps before we can recognize and accept self as gift, and say yes
to the personal task of becoming, we must be able to recognize and
accept the gift and opportunity in our loneliness -- and even in our
despair. Our willingness to cooperate in God's work of creation that we
are depends much upon our consciousness of gift. In accepting self as
gift (as well as the longings of the human condition) and accepting the
task of becoming that self that beckons to us beyond the loneliness, we
come into relation to others, to our self, and "to the Power which
constituted it."
The courage to be oneself emerges from accepting one's fear of nonbeing.
By our acceptance of the fear of nonbeing, which confronts us in our
fear of loneliness, we are able to overcome our fear of becoming who we
are. Implicit in the acceptance of our fear of nonbeing is our
acceptance of our inability to be that person without help. Lacking the
confidence to become who we are, we place our confidence in the One who
calls us forth. The fear of nonbeing in our loneliness anxiety is
overshadowed by the love that calls us into being, through the
loneliness, to the self who dwells in God. This self can have the
courage to be only when it experiences itself as known and loved by the
One who both calls it and empowers it to be.
The middle years of life often usher in a deep loneliness, sometimes turning our world upside down. This pain of passage invites us to step back and examine our life, to take a look at where we have been and reflect on where we are going. The goals of outer achievement of the first half of life are no longer adequate for the new age that is dawning. The needs of the second half of life are interior ones; our goals must change with the new rhythm of life. It is the time of self-appropriation, of individuation, of becoming who We are. And it is a lonely experience. It is a time of great change. "We cannot live the afternoon of life according to the programme of life's morning; for what was great in the morning will be little at evening, and what in the morning was true will at evening have become a lie."
If we have no understanding of the passages of life and what the
"mid-life crisis" asks of us, there can be much misery and waste of
human potential. It is a time when our focus must move from doing to
being, from achievement and making a name for ourselves to becoming and
building our souls. Until we have understood this and said yes to our
inbuilt task, we shall continue to experience meaningless suffering. Our
chief concern cannot be to escape and avoid the pain of this passage,
but to say yes to the way that leads through death to wholeness and new
life. If we refuse to accept the pain which is a part of growth, we can
be sure that no transformation can take place. "The roots of all our
neuroses lie here, in the conflict between the longing for growth and
freedom and our incapacity or refusal to pay the price in suffering of
the kind which challenges the supremacy of the ego's demands"
The loneliness of mid-life and the loneliness of individuation offer us
the opportunity to assent to the death of ego demands so that we might
recognize the only real claim on us: to become loving people. The crisis
of mid-life is the turning point which marks the end of our first
journey, but it is the beginning of the "second journey."
We are asked to let go of the old so that the new might emerge; only our
willingness to allow the old to pass opens the way for the birth of the
new. This is always a lonely and painful process, but it is "the truth
of the universe." There is no new life without a dying, "without
repeated deaths of old attitudes, of superficial desires, and finally of
every claim of the ego to dominance."
There are no short cuts to becoming whole persons; there is no growth without pain. Our willingness to walk alone and to accept the task of the last half of
life enables us to discover the heart in our loneliness, the love that
leads to God. We are no longer incapacitated by our fears but discover
within ourselves a new strength, a new life. Our willingness to put our
feet upon a path that leads into the unknown is "enabling and
We discover that our loneliness was indeed gift. It led us from an
existence dominated by fear to a life grounded in joy; it opened us to a
journey into the heart of longing whose destination was Love.
loneliness, isn't something to be shunned or afraid of:
it is, rather, a possible catalyst for a more purposeful and engaging
life, and an avenue for heightened self-awareness.
" Loneliness accepted becomes a gift, leading one from a life dominated by
tears to the discovery of one's true self and finally to the heart of
longing and the love of God....."
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