Reflections of life is a combination of all our lives experiences, all the things we have seen, all the things we have done and all of life's choices we have made. Reflections of life will be your mirror into your life, where you will recall images and slices of your life. It will reflect the good times, the bad times, the sad times and the happy times, reflecting on the emotional highs and lows of your life and everything in between. You will reflect on the loves of your life which were good, and the loves of your life which were devastating. It is my feeling we are all unique and wonderful individuals, whose lives are unique in their own way. Your life and your reflections belong only to you. Your life is the only one exactly like it in the whole world. Only you, have done all of the things in the exact same way at the exact same time, with the exact range of emotions, and your unique sequence of thoughts about what you are doing and why you are doing it. You have your own unique way of reacting to what you have seen, what you hear, what you feel, and how you express yourself about any given situation you encounter from day to day.
It is all the above which says you are unique and there is no other person in the world quite like you. You are one-of-a-kind. When you reflect back on your life you think to yourself.
What if I had done things differently, or reacted differently, or said things differently?
Did I do some things I shouldn't have done?
Did I not do some things I should have done?
What if I had made decisions and choices opposite of the ones I actually made?
How different would my life be today? Would you be living in the same city or same state? Would you be employed in the same line of work? Would you have chosen the same spouse and have the same family.
Your life in its entirety is directly tied to the results of the choices you have made. When we reflect back up on our lives. We many times reevaluate those choices, and wonder what my life would be like if I had made other choices other than the ones I actually made? In some of the scenarios you imagine, how your life could be completely different, you will always wonder what if, what if, what if. I know you have heard the term, hindsight. As you reflect back upon your life, you probably thought if I only had hindsight I would have not have made this choice or that choice. But we all know no one has the ability to predict the future. When one makes a choice, no one knows whether that choice will end up being a good one or a terrible one.
Reflections of life, allows one to look back and make a sober survey of one's triumphs and of one's failures, one's love life, good, bad or indifferent, one's mood or outlook on life. If your outlook on life is not good. What choices would you have made which could have made it better? As you reflect back up on your life and gaze into life's mirror. Do you see that person you've always wanted to be? Is your family situation what you wanted it to be or what you thought it would be? Are you happy or sad with the choices you've made and the results of the outcome?
As you reflect back on all the choices you made in life. You must realize it is those choices and only those choices you have made which determines all aspects of your life as you know it today. I only hope all the choices we’ve made in the past and the ones we will make in the future will be the ones which will bring us a great deal of happiness and contentment.
If we could recall and recreate situations in our life, which were the turning points in our life? So many of us are afraid to venture out, to test ourselves. When it comes to our dreams and ambitions. Deep down we know we have the ability to do more. We are afraid of change, afraid of rocking the boat. Afraid of the unknown. I would say to you, the worst possible thoughts and feelings you will ever experience, as your life is coming to an end. Will be the doubts or regrets about how you lived your life and the things you wish you would have done. Ask this question, did you do everything you could do, to make your reflections of life the best, most fulfilling and productive life it could have been? You must give yourself the ultimate grade for this test. Was your life what you wanted it to be or what you expected it to be? Only you can give yourself the ultimate grade for this test. I call this the test of life, how was your performance in life’s test? Did you pass, did you fail, or did you fall some where in the middle?
And if you were able to fulfill some of your dreams and you were able to accomplish some of your goals in life which you set for yourself. If you feel your fulfillment in life has been rewarding, regardless of your stature in life, or your place in history. If you feel your life’s score has been on the plus side. Your reflections of life will be satisfying.
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