There comes a time on our personal, spiritual journey when it is time to evaluate whether we are truly living in reality or illusion. When our actions are mostly being motivated by thoughts relating to external circumstances and the subsequent emotions they create in us, we are not living our reality. We find ourselves being drawn into negative relationships and unpleasant situations in many areas of our lives because we are under the illusion that we have no control of what happens to us.
We forget that there is another aspect of ourselves that is very, very important. This is our 'will'. God gave us a soul, which consists of our mind, will and emotions.
Our will is a gift from God. For a person to have a
strong will and sense of self is an indication of a healthy personality
not to be mistaken for a stubborn will which is actually an indication
of an insecure or weak person. Also not to be mistaken for ego which
expands in a selfish, fearful personality.
God isn't giving us another
mind other than what we already have. When the illusions we live under
are removed, the true mind is revealed. It has always been there but
covered over by the lies and untruths we lived our lives by. Using our
God empowered will is what brings our mind and emotions into proper use
and establishes our renewed mind.
We 'set our will' according to what we believe and we make a stand, no matter what comes against it. It must be a firm resolve with strong assertive resolution or we will waver when opposition comes. We should guard our 'will' carefully from control by any other human being. It is so personally ours, it is what brings everything into our lives. Without us setting our will to things, they won't happen. Even if someone is controlling us, we still have set our 'will' to let them. If bad things are happening to us, somehow we have let our will go to let those things take place.
Just thinking about
something won't bring it to pass unless we accept it, even illness comes
to us that way. Someone visits us who has a cold and we just know they
breathed their germs on us and we will to let that cold come in when we
think, "I feel tired and my throat is scratchy now. I know I'm getting
their cold."
Satan can't touch us in any
area of our lives unless we will to let him. We can feel guilty about
something untrue said about us and we will to let guilty feelings come
in. We can feel bad about what someone says and will to let in
depression or feelings of rejection. It is our will that always
establishes what happens or doesn't happen, even when this happens in
our subconscious and we aren't aware. This is because at some point in
our lives we have given ground in that area and we never took it back.
Never surrender your will to
anyone, ever, not to parents, not to friends, not to husband, not to
wife, not to children, not to boss, nor to lover, only to God. When you
surrender your will to Him, it cements your will into His and your will
is established with the strength and power of His will. You have become
incorporated into the will of God Himself.
So we can assuredly and
boldly stand before anyone and command forth the word of God and live by
the truth in our heart with no excuses. Never falter when you know
what's right for you. When you are feeling the life of God in your
choice and all is balanced and your energy is flowing positively, you
are in the Spirit! Go with it! No one can stand in your way.
When your will is united with God's will and God joins you with someone who also is united to Him, you will meet on an equal basis, no control, no manipulation. You both will respect and honor the free will of each other as sacred. You will freely be who you are, truly be able to enjoy each other to the fullest and be natural and real together. This is where trust can grow and love can develop because you are living in reality. Anything else is illusion.
When your will is united with God's will and God joins you with someone who also is united to Him, you will meet on an equal basis, no control, no manipulation. You both will respect and honor the free will of each other as sacred. You will freely be who you are, truly be able to enjoy each other to the fullest and be natural and real together. This is where trust can grow and love can develop because you are living in reality. Anything else is illusion.
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