Faults? Everyone has faults. Oneself, one's friend, and one's
enemy are all subject to faults. The one who wishes that his
own faults should not be disclosed must necessarily consider
the same for the others he meets. The one who knows what the
relation of friendship is between one soul and another, the
tenderness of that connection, its delicacy, its beauty, and
its sacredness, that one can enjoy life in its fullness, for
he is living; and in this manner he must some day communicate
with God. For it is the same bridge that connects two souls
in the world, which, once built, becomes the path to God.
is no greater virtue in this world than proving kind and trustworthy
to one's friend, worthy of his confidence. The difference between
the old soul and the young soul is to be found in this particular
principle. The young soul only knows himself and what he wants,
absorbed in his own pleasures and displeasures and obsessed
by his ever-changing moods. The old soul regards his relation
to every soul, he keenly observes his obligation toward everyone
he knows in the world. He covers his wounds, if he happens to
have any, from the sight of others, and endures all things in
order to fulfill his duty to the best of his ability toward
everyone in the world.
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