As you mature , physically, mentally, spiritually... life seems to fly swiftly!!! and when you reach the golden years of your life... it is the time that all the memories of the past years comes back so suddenly... but then we ought to be HAPPY, because we have something to think about... JUST LAUGH AT LIFE AND YOU WILL HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY... LIVE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME...
We no longer have to wear the masks of our youth. We can be ourselves.
What a wonderful things to be able to look at your very own existence and realize what a gift you have been given. Then the good part… looking at that life and realizing that you have been a gift to others. Those loads of laundry that you did, the meals that you cooked for your family and friends, that house you cleaned endlessly, you know that mundane daily stuff that you sometimes dreaded has actually been an act of service that made a difference in other’s lives. (Whether they realized it or not.)
The wisdom acquired with aging gives us the ability to not expect gratitude from others. The ability to give the gift is in itself enough. If you happen to be surrounded by family and friends how blessed you have been. You are now able to see that every problem you have encountered with those around you has led to buckets of wisdom. That wisdom is now enabling you to live with grace and just a nod to any difficulties that arise. You know that this too shall pass.
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