Sow an act, and you reap a habit;
Sow a habit, and you reap a character;
Sow a character, and you reap a destiny.
(One God, One Love, One Heart, One Destiny.....)
Please give me wisdom
with every word I speak.
Please give me patience,
as I comfort the sick and weak.
Please give me assurance,
as the day slips into night.
That I have done the best I can,
that I have done what is right.
When in doubts, always ask......... right?
This is the very way of life. All events that happen in life always lead to a next event and so on and so for. What will happen next? We wouldn't know and this is for you to find out. This is an ever-going cycle in the law of nature. At the end of the day, what matters is where will they lead you to.
And for what reasons would these events be, good or bad? It very much depends on you. This is the cause and effect of life. You have to understand this. It is always your actions that decide what should happen next. Picture them as a good cause and positive actions will follow. Picture them as a bad cause and more negative actions will just follow, leading to undesired outcome.
And for some reasons or so, many of us tend to just always prefer to have negative thoughts (pessimistic) than to having positive thoughts (optimistic) And with such thoughts in mind, even things that indeed happen for a good cause will just turn out to be for bad cause; leading to more and just more unnecessary stress and worries.
Why? Is there anything wrong to think positive? Is it against the law to think positively?
Perhaps let me just ask. To talk about a forest fire, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Terrible and frightening?
But what if I were to tell you that a forest fire is necessary and a must? (not talking about those created by man of course) In actual fact, natural wildland fires are essential for the correct functioning of many ecosystems; to allow the forest to renew itself; to bring about benefits for both the nature and us.
Understand this. Not everything in life happens for a bad cause.
To just share with you, I have known of a good friend who previously got retrench from his job. Back then, he was definitely feeling real depressed and lost. Not to mention that it took him almost close to a year before finding a new job. But it is because of the change in job that he met his love, to actually start a new chapter in life; happily married now.
Now, isn't that for a good cause that he actually got retrenched back then? Just recall. I am sure you have come across many encouraging events in your life too?
Or are you going to still, be complaining? Perhaps complaining about all those additional work assigned to you?
Sometimes, all those additional work which you may find rubbish are there to actually prepare you for your next journey. Think of it this way. Won't these new acquired skills and experience just come in handy if you were to start your own business?
Complaints won't get us anywhere. Open up ourself and we will see more. All those events we meet in life, be they little or major are there for a reason. Uncover them and they will lead us towards a new journey...
Everyone is bound to experience unhappiness in his or her life. I am sure you have had some unpleasant memories too, perhaps some which are of real painful ones? Well, forget the past and move on and let time heal your pain. And to be mentioning them again, some would still hurt a lot............ isn't it?
So here, what does it suggests? Very simple, it just goes to say that you have not forgotten them! But does this then mean you are not ready to move on?
We humans are by nature affectionate with feelings and emotions and to be feeling down and unhappy at times is inevitable. But then, this is nevertheless the gift of ours. Now, I am sure you wouldn't want to be one who is cold blooded and without any feeling of love and affection? Then, the presence of unpleasant memories has got to just be part and parcel of your life. You see, it is only when you actually went through unhappiness, will you be able to then understand and truly appreciate the gift of happiness. And just as you are not able to forget all those sweet and wonderful memories of yours, there is no way you can simply forget the unpleasant past. To forget the past, that is only running away from reality. Rather, you should instead of forgetting them, remember and accept them.
Now follow this scenario. Imagine you enjoying your vacation and suddenly you receive an overseas phone call from back home with the news that your mum met with a car accident and is in hospital. Receiving such news, no matter how fun and exciting your holiday is, you definitely won't be able to enjoy yourself anymore isn't it? But what if we say that at the next instant, you receive a follow-up call informing you that it was only a very minor accident and your mum has been discharged?
You see, what that happened is you actually went through a state of drastic change in emotion. On hearing about the accident, you got scared and worried, overwhelmed by fear and anxiety; the more you think about it the more fear and anxiety grew within you, weighing you down each and every second. But on receiving next the good news, you let go of them all. And yes, the very key here is you Let Go! Once again, you return back to your normal self and were back smiling again. And why is this so? That is because you have let go of all those fear and were no longer burdened by them anymore. You understood clearly the situation, knowing very clearly that the problem has been resolved and there is no need for you to worry further. Well, when there is nothing for you to worry, why would there still be unpleasantness of fear and anxiety?
And well, the same principle applies here. To move on, you have to learn to let go of the unpleasant past. But to get it clear, by asking you to let go is not asking you to try and forget the past. As mentioned, it is not going to be easy for you to just forget all those past unpleasantness. Yes, you may claim that you are able to forget some though. But here, you have to understand that those are just the insignificant events that have got not at all any harsh impact on you and which is why you are able to forget them very easily. In short, you have understood their insignificance and let go of them. And hence to be saying, for those that that still haunt you, you have yet to understand them enough; you are still unwilling to accept the fact that they actually happened.
Now, everything in life happen for a reason and the reason for going through these unhappiness is actually to help you to better understand yourself, to allow you to grow wiser and to move on and progress in life.
Ok, just picture your life to be a test. Now, in that many tests which you have taken, I am sure you didn't score a perfect full mark for all of them? And why is it so? That is because you didn't fully understand every of what was tested? And should you be to retake the tests, why would you do to ensure that you score a full mark? Well, to be able to achieve full mark this time, you have to study and understand the mistakes that you have earlier made. And here, to be able to truly move on in life, you have to study and understand your unhappiness just like how you would for your mistakes in your tests. Instead of clinging on so tightly, you should examine where things actually went wrong and correct on them. Take for instance a break up in relationship, you should instead of refusal, graciously accept it as a learning experience for you to improve on yourself, to understand your mistakes and to hence be able to do better in your next relationship. Well, think about it. If you are not going to open up yourself, do you think you can fare better in your next relationship? Even if you were to be given another chance to patch up with him or her, of what difference would it make if you are going to remain immature still and not willing to adopt changes?
Now, I would choose to believe that you are mature enough to think for yourself. To cling on to your unhappiness or to stand up and courageously face them, it is all up to you. But I am sure you will make a wise choice, yeah? Afterall, if you have had that courage to stand up again and again despite all those hurtful falls when you were a baby, I am sure you can once again stand up on your feet to walk on and move on? Don't let your unpleasant past be an obstacle to you, let it be instead a driving force for you to move on and progress in life. Let go of the unpleasant past now, happiness is what you should deserve.
The correct way of learning - To let go to learn or to learn to let go?
Well, you see. To be able to efficiently learn and master a new knowledge or skill, you have to first be willing to let go and abandon any hindering thoughts or ideas, which you might have. You should not allow any past knowledge and experiences to reject the intake of new information and ideas. Instead, you should graciously welcome them and embrace the learning of every new skill. As to whether you are going to apply them, that would come later. The key is, once you mastered the skill it will follow you forever; at the very least when you need it, you know you have the ability.
To start off, if you are not hunger for new knowledge, how can you possibly learn? If you are not hunger for food, you are just not going to enjoy your food not matter how tasty they are. The principle is the same.
Once you have decided to pursue a new skill, you go all out for it. You make the best out of the learning process. You make sure you take in to the best of your capability, the acquiring of the new knowledge and skill. It is never a disadvantage to know more. Don't unknowingly let your pride and ego hinder your achievement.
So to be asking, which comes first for you? To let go to achieve the best learning or to learn how to be able to let go first?
It can be quite a conflicting argument here, isn't it? But that is the way of life! In life, there could never be a thing known as the Perfect Balance. How to balance out your life; your learning process in life, that is for you to handle.
Similarly, what is the best tactic to winning? Again, there could never one perfect winning tactic. In fact, having of no tactics can be the just the best tactic sometimes. Haven't you hear before the joke, no choice is a good choice?
And well, for those of you who are the Chinese Kung Fu novel or movie fans, you should have come across plots where the key to learning the superb kung fu skill in the story is to first destroy one's very own skill; to start from scratch. Or perhaps other similar plot where the highest-level of the art of kung fu is one that is without actually any fixed move and pattern. The invincible kung fu master is able to defeat his opponents without the use of any special move or stroke; taking his opponents down just as they come along.
So the point here is, you have to be open and keep a clear mind to achieve the best learning result. Sometimes less is actually equal to more.
When there come the chance to learn more, you welcome them. Don't let any past hurting experience stop you. Similarly, don't be too prideful of yourself. You have to understand that you can't win all the times. You may be winning now but still it doesn't mean you won't lose. Be open, learn to accept new ideas and opinions from others. It is not going to do you any harm to be learning more and likewise, to listen and to learn from others. You never know when that new knowledge would come in useful; to help you through suicidal problems that may arise. Well, life is always full of surprises, isn't it?
Work smart but don't outsmart yourself. Learn by the way of life and you shall be able to flexibly handle any problems like the invincible kung fu master, defeating his opponents just as they come.
"Excuse me, please know your limits" Now, I am sure you wouldn't find that a nice statement to be getting? Or has someone actually used the above remark on you before?
Yes. There is definitely a limit to things and a limit to what you can do.
But the question here is have you really reached your limits? And to answer you, I dare to be telling you no you have not! In fact, I have seen many who gave up without even actually even trying. Or perhaps to them, they have already tried more than just hard enough?
You see. Many of us are been brought up in a very well taken care of environment, especially the younger generations. As compared to the olden days, technology today has certainly provided for a much easier life. We have the best of the equipment and machines to help us with our heavy load of works. Transportation is like so convenient. And even walking, we have the most comfortable of shoes to be putting on and so on so for. In short, we are in a way too pampered.
Yes, to be seeing all these improvement in life is certainly brilliant. We definitely need to keep improving and move ahead. But still, we can't deny that technology has indeed in way disrupted the nature way of life.
Now, over-relying on someone or something is never desired. But to be saying, this is what happening to many of us; being either over pampered by the parents or relying just too much on technology, forgetting the very basic of things. And when real big problem come, ended up at a total loss for what to do, not knowing how to correctly handle the situation.
But the very fact is we do have the capability to overcome the problem but sadly to be saying, many just do not know how to put forth their inner ability to use.
You see. To begin off life way back into the past, survival was only made possible through the discovering and understanding of one's strength and ability. And this understanding is not achieved in just a day but through numerous of harsh and dangerous experimenting to overcoming of obstacles after obstacles.
But in this modern day now, many just simply give up trying upon meeting of some obstacles and which some are not even considered to be an obstacle at all.
Understand this. To begin off, there is never a thing called ruler or even pencil that exists. And to draw a straight line, we simply make use of stones to draw against rock. And will we be able to get a perfect straight line? No way, isn't it?
Precisely! And this is how's life has always been. There can never be a perfect smooth path in life too. A perfect life? No way is life going to be just perfect. In life, there is bound to be obstacles after obstacles you are going to meet.
To achieve success in life, you must be prepared to face them.
Now, think back again. Have you really tried hard enough? Have you truly reached your limits of your ability?
Seek the correct understanding of life. Give yourself the chance to know the true you within yourself. There is definitely more to what you can achieve.
A knowledgeable man and a Wise man, what is the difference between the both? This is a very simple question to be answering, isn't it? But still, there is many variations to how it could be answered; some can answer it with just one simple sentence while some could actually go on with paragraphs and paragraphs for it.
What would be the correct answer to this question then? Again, that depends on what kind of a person we are, whether we are the knowledgeable or the wise type.
What am I trying to get at here? Well, am definitely not here to argue about the meaning of the two words. Rather, the purpose is to allow us a moment to ponder and think, to bring to our senses the mistakes that we might have unknowingly made and for us to next correct them.
Let looks at an example. Since young, we have been repeatedly taught to be honest and that it is wrong of us to lie. But now, if we were given a choice between telling a white lie to save someone's life and telling the truth to end his life, which will we choose? And let just take it that he made a mistake but then he has done no harm to in anyway hurt anyone physically. Given such a scenario, I am sure we wouldn't be so cruel to actually indirect murder him? We were taught to be also kind and forgiving, aren't we?
So here, what would be the rationale behind this decision of ours? Why would we actually want to give him this chance? The reason? Well, that is because there is kindness in you; you understand the essence of what true kindness is. You see, what that was taught to you is what we would call knowledge, theories that made beautiful sense; theories that should work in the ideal case. But in actual life, are things going to be that ideal all the times? Definitely not always possible! And here is where you need to be wise, to have the wisdom to be able to judge properly what is true or right. And yes! You did very well. In the given example, you are able to judge wisely for yourself between honesty and kindness.
Give you another example, let us take for instance medication and herbalism. Now, if we were to simply base our approach on pure knowledge, there are several long past records from the ancient times that document the use of healing agents for the recovery of various illnesses. Yes, these records would provide us with good references but then, are we going to just simply base on them and apply the immediate and complete use of them? No! Rather, we have to still study them carefully and understand their true effect and influence before actually applying them. And even when using them, we have to keep monitoring their progressive effect and influence on the individuals; the effect may not be the same for every one and sometimes instead of curing, an over dosage can inversely cause harm. So here, we have to be wise to remain rational in our actions. Yes, it may hurt us a lot to see our loved ones in pain but still, we can't get emotional and react impulsively and feed them with extra dosage or worse, unclear medicine that might threaten their life.
Get the picture now? In short, we can put it this way, knowledge is knowing the steps and processes but wisdom is understanding them to correctly apply them in accordance to the situations that arise. But to be saying, many have been too blinded by knowledge to respond wisely especially with the younger generations of Today where most are of at least a university graduate. You see, knowledge can give you a very misleading idea that you are the expert who knows everything but in reality, do you really understand? Just picture a psychologist who has never been in love advising you on how to handle your marriage, do you think he could totally understand the very problem? Your mum though not as highly educated but who has the experience may provide you with just better advice.
So back to our life, don't look down on yourself just because you possess poor paper qualification. Real wisdom is what that cannot be taught to you from school. Rather, it can only be manifested through your own understanding and realization of life. So similarly, don't be too prideful of yourself if you were to possess excellent paper qualification. You have to understand that what you have is only the knowledge; beautiful theories of others pass on to you. But how to be applying them into your own life, that is for you to comprehend and figure out still. At the end of the day, it is whether are you willing to explore and seek the further understanding of life.
Now, you don't need others to plan for you what you want in life. What is it that you want for yourself, that is for you to decide yourself. Well, if you can't even decide this for yourself, what is the point even if you were to be the most knowledgeable man on earth? Let knowledge be a tool to help you but not an obstacle to bring you down.
Feeling unhappy over yourself? Hating yourself for who you are?
Why must you be feeling so? To just be very straight with you, this is the act of a fool.
Now, even if the whole world is going to look down on you, you should never look down on yourself. The more they are going to look down on you, the more you should prove yourself to them, isn't it? And I am sure your family and many other loved ones would never ever look down on you. So the more you shouldn't let them down, isn't it?
Understand this. Strength or a weakness of yours, which is going to be which, is still too early to be deciding now. For all you may know, your weaknesses may just become your strength and your strength, your weaknesses to become. In life, there is not definite power, not definite rights or wrongs. What that matters is how you are going to put to use what you have within yourself.
You see. One who excel in his or hers studies doesn't necessarily mean he or she is just going to do well in life. In fact, they are indeed many top students who fail badly in life when they enter the working society.
Yes. They have the strength, that High IQ to absorb all those profound theories taught in school, getting straight As for all their exams. They are very good at putting theories of others into their head. And because they scored As for them, they believe and insisted that they are the correct way to doing things. They failed to understand that what is success for others may not just be success for everyone. Stubborn in a way, you can say.
And because of their excellent academic result, they got straight into high position in big companies. The higher they just climbed. And when they eventually failed, they fall so badly that they couldn't pick themselves up; failing just further to perform to expectations of their job. Some were given another chance but some, sadly to say, got laid off. This is how practical and realistic this world can be.
What may seem a strength to them at first has turned out to one big weakness.
Remember. The correct idea of learning is to understand and put to practical use of the knowledge to life and through experiences, constantly customizing them to suits you. In simple, to be flexible.
Yes, you may have failed for now. But that doesn't mean you are going to fail forever. And let's just be frank, this is definitely not the first time you encounter failure in life? And you are still surviving, isn't it? Meaning to say, you have that subconscious will and determination within you not wanting to just give up. In a way, you have been very strong.
Think about it. Stubbornness can be either a strength or weakness. To stubborn to learn to give in and accept changes in life, that is a weakness. Being persistent in pursuing your goals and never giving up easily, that is strength.
What your character make out of you depends on how you actually put them to use.
The laziest person can become the best salesperson, excelling in an area where tedious hands-on work is at minimum. A person who can never wake up in time for the normal 9 to 5 job can choose to work as a freelancer, performing better in the hours which suits him. A bankruptcy can become the best motivator, sharing his or her precious experience with the young's. A little child who never fail to explain his way through for his mischievous and wrongdoing may just become a good lawyer when he grow up.
And there is definitely more.
Stop hating yourself. There is certainly that very something special inside of you waiting to be discovered by you, something that could bring about that difference to your life...