(someone tags me the article below ... hmmm ...)
Why loving 2 people is called cheating? .........
say the greatest feeling is the feeling of love. When you are in love,
everything around you turns beautiful. You feel passionate, you remain
happy, you start believing in forgiveness and you start living in your
But if a person is in love with two people at a time then everything turns bad in an audience eye.
Believe it or not but falling in love with someone is very easy.
why people start hating a person who loves more than one human? After
all he/she does not hate anyone; he/she is just spreading love. Isn’t
that we are all been taught right from our childhood, spread love (When I
say love don’t mix it with sex).
And its not
that you love someone because you want to, it just happens. You meet a
stranger; you try to be nice to that person because that is what is
being inculcated in you by your parents. If you like a person; you talk
more and once that comfort level enters you start telling about
yourself. And once you start telling about yourself you actually start
rediscovering yourself and get to know few new things about yourself and
feel amazed. At that point you realize that this girl/boy actually
helped you knowing yourself better (which is partially true). And the
love factor starts entering your soul. After that you both talk talk
talk and finally realize that you are in love.
if you are in love for the first time; its wow but if you are in love
for the second time and there is one person already in your life; in
that case boy is an asshole and girl is a bitch.
But why! Why people say such a statement? And who made this rule of loving just one person?
Can’t a person love two people at a same time in a same way?
And if he/she does then is it their fault?
Before I say more on this article ... would like you to answer my question honestly ...
" How would you feel when someone that you love truly ... having love and dating someone else ?"
Do you feel happy or comfortable ?
Its nothing wrong to spread love wherever you go ... yeah its wrong to hate anyone ..
But what kind of love you are talking here ? ...
To my understanding ... you are talking about lovers .. a romantic love ..... right ?
... from your point of view .. is it 'nice' or fine to you ... in a
relationship, there is a third party present in between ? ...........
As a gentleman ... do you enjoy such a relationship ?
How you describe your girlfriend ... is she a good partner to you ?
We are human ... full of emotions ...feelings
Here .. we are dealing with human and emotions ...not THINGS ...
As for me ... I rather sacrifice my love .. if I learned he got another woman ...
just leave me alone ... I rather be alone ...
I believed in ONE LOVE ....
How can we say I LOVE YOU to Miss A and yet you are dating with Miss B ...
You are thinking about Miss C and yet you said " MISSING YOU" to Miss D ...
To all .... you said I LOVE YOU ...
Is that what you define LOVE ?
In this kind of relationship ... there will be no peace ... a lot of cheating ...
Wasting of time ....
We are not here in this world to chase a stupid human love ....
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