Friday, June 15, 2012

~ Own Your Life ~

Sometimes we don’t do things because of our concerns, doubts and fears.
They are never gonna say yes.
This is too silly.
This is never gonna work.
They’ll think I’ve gone crazy.
I’m not qualified, smart, interesting enough.

 Sometimes we do things despite the concerns, doubts and fears.
This might work, so why not give it a try.
I’ve got nothing to lose.
This could be fun!
I’m just gonna do this.
If they can, so can I.

We do different because we are telling ourselves something different.

We do different because we think different.

And those thoughts are just a choice we make.

A choice that we’re sometimes not aware of.  But each time our actions will tell us what we’ve been telling ourselves.

A choice that we can make deliberately.  And each time our actions will tell us what we chose to tell ourselves.

A choice that we can make whenever we want.

Any time.
Any day.
What do you choose to tell yourself?

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